Healthy meals, healthy children, happy you!
Healthy meals, healthy children, happy you!
Healthy meals, healthy children, happy you!
Meals & Menus, Breastfeeding & Food Allergies
At Nursery we have an onsite Chef who cooks all our delicious food on a daily basis to ensure its freshness. We understand how important it is for all children to have food that is nutritious and tasty to help them develop physically and mentally.
We are very proud of our 5-star rating from the Food Standards Agency and comply with Safer Food Better Business. Regular visits from Environmental Health have always been positive.
Meals are included within full day costs and lunch is included within our shorter sessions. If your child is funded, meals come as an additional cost unless a packed lunch is provided. We provide a rolling menu with balanced, healthy meals from around the world and homemade favourites. Children are offered morning and afternoon snacks and drinks are provided throughout the Nursery day.
Download our sample lunch and tea menu
At Central Park Nursery we are aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and support parents who would like to continue breastfeeding when they return to work. Some mothers choose to express milk and bring it in daily, others prefer to come to Nursery on their breaks to breastfeed and some choose to do both.

Whatever parents decide, we support this choice and do our utmost to ensure that both children and parents are happy.
Food Allergies
All of our meals/dishes can be adapted to make them suitable for children with dietary requirements and allergies, to follow religious practises or parental preferences for example, vegetarian/vegan.
See below images of the ‘food art’ Nursery Children have created.

My daughter really enjoys her meals at Nursery. The cook offers a well-balanced and nutritional meal every day with lots of variety.