Safeguarding and Supporting British Values
Safeguarding and Supporting British Values
Safeguarding and Supporting British Values
As part of our safeguarding policy all staff members are aware of their responsibility to speak out when they have a concern but also how to follow up these concerns or a disclosure in the correct way following our ‘whistleblowing’ policy. We have two Designated Safeguarding Leaders at Nursery to support both staff and children in our care.
If parents have any concerns or need guidance they are encouraged to speak to a member of the management team as soon as possible.
The front door is always locked and only opened when staff recognise those coming to the door to ensure all children are safe and secure.
No mobile phones, cameras or recording devices are allowed in the play rooms other than the Nursery camera or tablet which is only used with parental consent.

At Central Park Nursery we are committed to keeping your information safe. Information you share with us is kept in confidence and stored in an appropriate manner. We follow guidelines as laid out in GDPR guidance 2018 and will not share information without discussing it with you first. You have the right to change information as and when needed and request its deletion.
The way in which we store and share the information is closely linked to our ‘whistleblowing procedure’ and the information we share if we feel it is in the best interest of the child. For example, child protection concerns.
For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.